How To Set Up Grids In Etabs
Rid lines (also known as reference grids or simply grids) serve as the connecting thread between all engineering and architectural drawings. They offer reference points that the reader can use to locate the identical spots on each drawing set for each discipline. They are equally crucial for helping your analysis model by offering snapping points. Additionally, it helps you match up your analytic model with the design drawings. So let's see how to configure grids in ETABS . To put it as simply as possible, you need to go to the following location to set up grids in ETABS. ● Grid systems and Edit Stories ● Following that, the Edit Story and Grid System Data dialogue box will appear. ● Simply select "Add new Grid System." ● Navigate to the desired grid in the preceding dialogue box, then select "Modify/Show Grid System" to make changes to the grids contained inside that grid syste...